- anti_intellectualistic
- adjacent picture carrier
- a general merchandise shop
- adjacent node
- absentminded
- ascending ramus
- antirenin
- anhydraemia
- an iron man
- artificially
- advisory board
- an epic of the deity gaṉesh (whose worship is supposed to counter all obstacles)
- auxiliary operation
- artistically
- aglomerular
- and a half
- armed troops
- athyroidism
- active incontinence
- active satellite
- alternative attribute
- articular tubercle
- adiposis tuberosa simplex
- accessory gland
- anecdotage
- around the clock
- above suspicion
- acyanotic
- a satyr
- anthropoidal
- alpha particle
- adenin
- adendroglia
- agaze
- alphabetic word
- arcus senilis
- accented
- alighted
- actuary
- actin
- actuation
- absently
- abstractedly
- amentia
- author of a tragedy
- abstractly
- abdominal external ring
- active glycolaldehyde
- active dihydroxyacetone
- a distinguished wealthy man