- arnold_chiary malformation
- a cowshed
- army tank
- air sterilization
- adj
- accouter
- auxillary nurse
- accoutre
- appointee
- anthropod vector
- attributable leave
- annual growth
- agreeable and disagreeable
- a famous of the
- academic freedom
- aviary
- annihilator
- an ass in lion's skin
- accommodation endorser
- a term for expressing surprise or attracting somebody's attention
- atherogenesis
- acropachyderma
- adjustable
- amusing nothings
- aesthesiometer
- appendicular artery
- a pragmatist
- affectionate feeling
- amnion
- autoerotic stage
- autogenous bone graft
- arterial
- anyway
- all the same
- abutter
- afterward
- a typical round household utensil
- aortio_pulmonary defect
- arranged in a line or row
- a thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf
- a thief will have another for company
- a seed
- acclerated reaction
- american dog tick
- amelodentinal
- accomplished fact
- artificial respiration
- artificial limb
- artemisia maritima
- artificial dialysis