- ankisha
- arctic fauna
- approvingly
- ad lib
- an attorney
- auspiciously
- aviate
- aeronaut
- airfare
- andamanese
- anticholinesterase
- ajbees saw
- abounding in narration
- acapnia
- aneurysmorrhaphy
- anti_human globulin
- antily
- achylia pancreatica
- adenochondroma
- average conditional information
- address format
- anticholinesterase insecticide
- a span
- amoebiasis
- anti_anthrax serum
- appraisement
- amoebicide
- audible_spectrum
- abode of the beloved
- aggregate fruit
- afire
- an extralinguistic sound expressing refusal
- agony etc
- abiosis
- abiogenist
- administration of oxygen
- acid base parameter
- arctostaphylos uva_ursi
- a medicinal herb
- ask after
- agree with
- a chanḍu:_addict
- acoustic diffusion
- acoustic masking
- achromatic vision
- aludel
- alouatinae
- asclepiadeae
- a platinum wire
- albumin infusion