- accesory sinus suppuration
- agave americana
- aurous iodide
- after image
- as as anything
- auscultation
- ancient age
- amplifier noise
- apparent or of blossoming
- axile placenta
- alveolar duct
- areola mammae
- amputation of breast
- amorous movement of the eyebrows
- air elutriation
- a word of endearment
- atrioventricular canal
- atrioventricular interval
- atrial pressure pulse
- atrioventricular conduction
- atrio ventricular excitation
- atrial well technique
- atrioventricular rhythm nodal rhythm
- atrial fusion beat
- atrial standstill
- as the crow files
- accurst
- afflicted through a curse
- agreed
- anatomical sphincter
- anatomically
- abdominal neurosis
- abdominal examination
- abdominal exercise
- air cored coil
- a (snake charmer) flute
- a mountain hidden underneath a mole_hill
- accurate perception
- a first_blow through the flank
- an unexpected assault from a supposed friend
- a guinea_hen
- a woman blessed with a moon_like face
- at that moment
- a vendor
- awacs
- afghanistan
- a famous persian warrior and wrestler
- adsons test
- absolute ceiling
- actually speaking