- actionable wrong
- aetiological
- advisor
- adviser
- animosity
- ammonite
- age of consent
- anosmia
- aphelion
- auricular
- Adult Male
- At The Start
- Acquainted With
- Apothecary's Shop
- Al Qur'an
- Adolesce
- Asymptotic
- Attractable
- Au fond
- Addend
- Addressees
- Averaging
- Awarded
- Affiliating
- Allergenic
- Appetent
- Argentiferous
- Arisen
- Arose
- At issue
- Astrolabe
- Amendatory
- Adient
- Assignor
- Advances
- Absent-minded
- Applauding
- Air-brake
- Approver
- Assibilate
- Admissive
- Assuaging
- Automatism
- Allowances
- Attributing
- Aide-de-camp
- About-turn
- Appendant
- Actinic
- Agelong