- well_rounded
- what is that !
- wet_bulb depression
- wholesome
- weight approximately equivalent to 2 1
- write off
- wearing away
- winsomeness
- work of and charges for levigation
- wist
- wet dream
- woman who has given birth to a child
- woman of evil disposition
- wash away
- wear down
- wife of brother
- written material
- writing work
- wean
- widen
- woman of easy virtue
- whacking
- work or wages for beating
- weighing
- winnow down
- widow remarriage
- wrinkles of the forehead
- why on earth shall i know this !
- with child
- washerwoman
- washwoman
- work stoppage
- whalebone whale
- wiles
- whirling
- work up
- worsening
- wild eyed
- wrong site surgery
- without any rhyme or reason
- wiggliness
- wriggling
- with a difference
- well thought of
- well_to_do
- worth salt
- wound dehiscence
- without protest
- without a halt or detour
- wildly