- well mannered
- well_known
- warden
- warrior
- well disposed
- well_disposed
- wrestler
- without any employment
- well_versed in arithmetic
- wrestling apprentice
- witnessed
- weak in the head
- weak at the knees
- whitey
- wretched state
- whorish
- workmate
- wizardry
- windbag
- wearer
- whoremaster
- womb
- whited sepulchre
- whited sepulcher
- weaponless
- worthless
- without employment
- whipper snapper
- whoremonger
- workmanlike
- weaver finch
- weaverbird
- weaver bird
- well_up
- wisplike
- wispy
- who enjoys
- wino
- waymarked
- well versed
- wiz
- waterman
- worldly minded
- wooden headed
- work shy
- witless
- working class
- wernickes area
- wernicks hemianopic pupil
- witch_hunt