- well_adjusted
- well_groomed
- well_meant
- well_set
- well_shaven
- well_thought (over)
- wet_bulb temperature
- work shift
- white_collared
- witnessing directly (with one's own eyes)
- with one's wife
- west malaysia
- with a divine smile
- Whole Slew
- With Happiness
- With Attention
- With Pride
- Without Aim
- Well-born
- Well-founded
- Well-informed
- Well-meaning
- Well-timed
- Whipper-snapper
- White-livered
- Wind-break
- Window-dressing
- Wing-nut
- Wire-haired
- Word-of-mouth
- World-wide
- Wringing
- Warlock
- Warrant-officer
- Washing-soda
- Water-colour
- Water-level
- Water-mill
- Water-tower
- White-tie
- Wet-nurse
- Window-box
- Well-turned
- Well-spoken
- Well-advised
- Witch-hunt
- Water-cannon
- Whistle-stop
- Wire-tapping
- Worm-eaten