- unilaterally connected graph
- uveal
- ultra shortwave diathermy
- underflow condition
- under the care of
- universal set
- ultracentrifugal method
- university of nebraska
- universal asynchronous receiver transmitter
- uterine segment
- unmannered
- upshot
- university of washington
- universal blood donor
- university of michigan
- uveoparotid
- unipenate
- uterine sedative
- uterovaginal prolapse
- ureterography
- urethrography
- uterine dysfunction
- urethroplasty
- ureterolysis
- urethrorrhaphy
- universal button box
- uterine infantilism
- under wraps
- under one's control
- unsoundness
- under one's own control
- unregretful
- unconditioned reflex
- uncollectible
- upper_class
- united nations crime prevention and criminal justice branch
- underexpose
- uncanalised
- Underwhelming
- Unlooked-for
- Up-and-coming
- Up-country
- Upper-case
- Up-to-date
- Un-american
- Utilities
- Uncared-for
- Uniformed
- Upper-cut
- Up-end