- unromantic
- unicode
- unaddicted
- undoing
- undomestic
- unsterilized
- urogram
- urinary catheter
- unperceptiveness
- unexpurgated
- unwished_for
- up convertor
- unsolvable
- unpolitical
- unpolished
- ulatrophia
- unilateral lung transradiancy
- uncoupling agent
- Unio
- unrefinedly
- unparented
- up_to_date
- unnatural
- up to the minute
- unthinking
- unthinkably
- undue influence
- uncritically
- unreasonable
- undramatically
- unpacking
- ultrabrachycranic
- ultracentrifugal analysis
- uvula of cerebellum
- uvula palatina
- uveous
- unreaped (as
- unseasonable
- unseamed
- unbranded
- unsaturated solution
- undulant
- uniquely decodable
- uveal exudate
- uveal pigment
- ultramicroanalytical
- under review
- undualtion
- undue
- unprintable