- timbrel
- tom_tom
- tambour
- tymnet
- tagged drug
- toffee nosed
- tagging method
- tendovaginitis
- taylors brace
- temporal arteritis
- take stock
- to take a risk
- to run a hazard
- tear drop
- tear away from
- tickle fancy
- takelma
- tender offer
- takeout
- takeoff
- taking
- taktite
- taking up of cervix
- talan
- talcosis
- talc
- talc granuloma
- talc and lycopodium granuloma
- talcum
- talia
- talipes cavus
- talipes equino valgus
- talipes equinovarus
- talipes varus
- to take a miss
- to take offence at
- to resent
- to kick the beam
- to suffer a terrible shock
- to suffer a blow
- to take leave
- to make one's adieu
- take one's lumps
- typical vertebra
- typewriter terminal
- typical polarogram
- typical measure
- tutorial
- tutu
- tuvalu