- ramus anastomoticus
- randomised
- rhipicephalus
- round cell sarcoma
- round window
- repeating firearm
- royalist(ic)
- raoults law
- regional radiocommunication conferences
- racial affinity
- rupture of tympanic membrane
- respiratory apparatus
- rounding error
- rolled consonant
- revitalise
- resolvable
- radioactive growth hormone
- regularity
- recognized (as
- resummoning
- resummon
- redistribution
- resistant haemoglobin
- reared and tended
- rubber necking
- read amplifier
- radioactive fallout
- re_establishment of harmonious relations
- repair time
- rhabdom
- relaxation heat
- restituted
- rhythmic footwork in dancing
- receding chin
- retreating chin
- responsively
- restriction fragment
- re cover
- ruminative
- refresh memory
- raise hell
- recording system
- ramus communicans
- refractory anaemia
- recuse
- rapid fire
- reintroduce
- roily
- roiling
- revealing utterance