- ruby red
- reddened
- reciprocity
- reception room
- rich (as food etc.—
- renal retinitis
- renal haemodialysis
- raster unit
- radio immune hormone assay
- renal tubular ectasia
- renal sympatheticotonus
- renal tubular disorder
- renal tubular reabsorption
- remote control
- rendered senseless
- ringlet butterfly
- rub up the wrong way
- run for it
- romp in
- ripe fruit of
- red cent
- rouble
- receivable
- recoverable
- rogation
- representations
- reckoning (as great powerful
- reliquary
- roadway
- routine of life
- road sense
- rectified
- rallicar
- relapse (as after illness)
- refined taste
- ring back
- rangy
- run of good fortune
- run in the family
- reflection on pros and cons (of a problem)
- renaissance
- refractoriness
- rejoicings
- restlessness uneasiness
- recklessness
- renounceable
- reconcile
- reserve volume
- reserved word
- romantic intimacy