- rotatory
- revolutionary organization of socialist muslims
- rocky_mountain maple
- rock spikemoss
- richelieu
- raoul dufy
- red algae
- rhodymenia palmata
- R.V.
- reproducibility
- Roneograph
- republic of suriname
- reassignment
- remotely controlled equipment
- rifle grenade
- rear view mirror
- riding school
- riedels disease
- rearguard
- rolling board
- recirculating indicator
- reciprocatory
- reciprocal inhibition
- reciprocal innervation
- Roman Emperor
- rodney george laver
- roundworm
- reticulitermes flanipes
- restivity
- restless legs
- ragsorter
- raptores
- raptorial
- ray of hope to emerge
- receptor theory
- receptor group
- river limpet
- rhinolalia clausa
- riot act
- reprehensibly
- richard nixon
- rapid
- Roman deity
- Rhizopogon idahoensis
- red_backed lemming
- relaxation behavior
- relaxation phase
- relaxation period
- rosilla
- rubber plant