- pepys
- prototypal
- prototype statement
- protoporphyria erythropoietica
- parlay
- paul ludwig von beneckendorff und von hindenburg
- paul von hindenburg
- pluperfect
- pricker
- presley
- psychodiagnosis
- psychocortical centre
- posteriority
- post_primary pulmonary tuberculosis
- priority structure
- pull one's weight
- pubococcygeus
- pubofemoral
- pooling block
- parlour
- parlor
- pillars of hercules
- posterior choroidal artery
- paraprofessional
- personal foul
- parallel operation
- professional basketball
- president johnson
- punishment of death
- plugging chart
- promoter
- protective function
- philhellene
- plumed thistle
- peg0count
- printed card form
- printed circuit board
- preakness
- preamplifier
- preamble
- point to point transmission
- prosodic system
- play cards well
- Paralichthys dentatus
- Psetta maxima
- Paralichthys lethostigmus
- pretorian
- pretracheal
- pop quiz
- pour plate method