- phallic stage
- pure_tone audiometer
- pure sentiment
- pigmentary cirrhosis
- photopigment
- phycocyanin
- phycoerythrin
- phycobilin
- porphyrin
- picturesquely
- predetermine
- peau de orange
- positive feed back
- pyrolysis
- population shift
- propane_ 1:2 diol
- pass completion
- prescriptive linguistics
- paper wasp
- prefiguration
- pressure atrophy
- press coating
- private automatic exchange
- playgroup
- pastel
- pastel drawing
- polyurethane foam
- polyurethan
- polyfoam
- pastel colour
- pigmentary macule
- pigmented
- porometer
- perforans
- pertaining to a martyr
- pigmented karatic precipitates
- pertaining to a foreign country
- porous
- porosity grade
- porous inert carrier
- poriferous
- porous sparger
- porous absorber
- porous plaster
- patelliform
- PSA blood test
- pertaining to oneself
- paramagnetic element
- prevernal
- paternal great_grandfather