- perirenal insufflation
- pauling
- psychoacoustic model
- psycho_analytic
- pancreaticojejunostomy
- post operative heart block
- postoperative bronchiectasis
- peritoneoscopic cholangiography
- papynology
- prickly_leafed
- peptase
- projective length of fibular condyle
- price cutting
- pelvigram
- photolytic degradation
- physical record
- parhelic
- percutaneous needle biopsy
- pulmonary adenomatosis
- posterolateral tract
- postganglionic sympathetic fibre
- pflp_gc
- pfeifferella whitmori
- perifocal infiltration
- plasmokinin
- peripheral subsystem
- peripheral transfer
- pontine centre
- popular front for the liberation of palestine_general command
- pulmonary valvotomy
- precambrian
- plasmodium vivax
- pennyweight
- permanent settlement (of land)
- pneumography
- post_abortal
- prochordal
- program location
- processus coronoideus
- program postedit
- program block
- programmable peripherel interface
- postoperative inhalation therapy
- paracelsus
- paracentral
- pluteus magnus
- pneumocephalocele
- parenchymatous myocarditis
- patrilineal
- patrilinear