- peroxyacetic acid
- pedal (of a bicycle etc.)
- phycology
- practice of meditation
- pustular psoriasis
- paraplegia
- pyloric antrum
- punitively
- phage
- prolixness
- post modernist
- point a finger
- proclaim from the housetops
- put it to that
- puzzle over
- psychic dependence
- psychopathogenesis
- psychomotor reflex hallucination
- pejorative
- placental gonadotrophin
- polyneuritis cranialis
- propranolol
- profibrinolysin
- prophylactic therapy
- position of rest
- protoanthropic
- proto malay
- primary school
- primitive entoderm
- popularity
- polypharmacy
- phytonadione
- penetrating wound
- pulp capping
- polygamist
- permature synostosis
- prolix
- post_diphtheritic palatal paralysis
- pressor substance
- pre menstrual
- put the cart before the horse
- pallidonigral tract
- prepared digitalis
- prepared pollen
- puckishness
- police car
- perihepatitis
- pocket watch
- perphenazine
- pulmonary wedge arteriography