- petit larceny
- peace_loving
- phase decoder
- perihilar space
- people of father's or ancestor's family
- precipitately
- prairie dock
- proudly
- protrusio acetabuli
- precentral gyrus
- path finder
- path loss
- pudendal block anaesthesia
- palatopharyngeal arch
- pudendal vein
- patois
- park and ride
- post date
- primimg
- palatometer
- pelvic plexus
- pelvic inclination
- pate
- palpebrum
- potbellied
- passive partner in sodomy
- protolichestesric acid
- post_aurale
- placental circulation
- placental barrier
- polaroids
- pectoral medallion
- phrenologist
- poignantly
- post_anal gut
- put into disarray
- parachute (troop)
- pessum
- poignance
- pistol
- put to flight
- pull the wool over eyes
- pedicle flap
- perichondritis of larynx
- peck out
- physical stigma
- ploughshare
- plowshare
- premature ejaculation
- put a price on