- open_door policy
- Oread
- old_age pension
- old_field toadflax
- omeprazole
- oilstove
- osage orange
- order madreporaria
- Oriya
- occultist
- Omani monetary unit
- Oxandra
- Orobanchaceae
- olive family
- oleaster family
- Oleaceae
- Osmanthus
- Oenothera
- Orites
- Olea
- order mysidacea
- oleoresin capiscum
- oleo oil
- olfaction
- orchestrate
- ophthalmic artery
- ovarian artery
- organ stop
- organiser
- organizer
- operoseness
- one shot
- oesophageal veins
- ophthalmic vein
- ovarian vein
- otitis
- Oktoberfest
- orangewood
- Orites excelsa
- Osmanthus americanus
- opepe
- Oxandra lanceolata
- Order of the Purple Heart
- osmund
- ostrich fern
- Onoclea sensibilis
- oleander fern
- Oreopteris limbosperma
- Onoclea struthiopteris
- Oleandra neriiformis