- order haemosporidia
- otto hahn
- opossum wood
- one_half
- order hyracoidea
- orthostatic hypotension
- osmotic pressure
- one addicted to intoxicants
- ondatra zibethica
- one and only
- one day
- one up
- ogdoad
- organic structure
- oneness
- order ichthyosauria
- orchard oriole
- order ictodosauria
- operator
- orientation
- Orleanism
- out of work
- opprobrium
- odium
- off_white
- openbill
- olive tree
- outdoor sport
- old_maidish
- odd_job man
- oriental bittersweet
- omphalotus illudens
- onanism
- old hickory
- offenbach
- opaque gem
- owens
- oort
- oriental cherry
- onion plant
- onion
- ostrea gigas
- one_liner
- outpouring
- oriental sore
- Old World leishmaniasis
- opossum
- Ovis aries
- organelle
- ogee arch