- one who toils
- off_broadway
- off_center
- off_centered
- occipito_frontal headche
- occipito_lateral position
- occipito_mastoidal suture
- occipito_temporal sulcus
- order statistics
- old hand
- overflow record
- overflow indicator
- on the rebound
- oh god
- ouija board
- of meagre means
- office boy
- overconfidence
- olfactory tract
- ordinate of graph
- orchidopexy
- orderliness
- oceanic negro
- one's honour to be under_ mined
- one who rears sporting pigeons
- overjet
- odontalgic drop
- oral mucous membrane
- ozostonia
- osteoplastic reconstruction
- osteoarthropathy
- on_demand streaming
- on bended knee
- osteoporosis cirumscripta
- one of
- over_laden
- ordinand
- one's own taste
- out tray
- of deceptive looks
- ostracoderm
- ora serrata
- on this understanding
- on the ground
- one's voice to be charged with emotion
- on the bank of a river
- on mind
- on the rack
- oronasal inhaler
- oropharyngeal airway