- on tiptoes
- omphalomesenteric duct
- open mouthed
- one's mouth to be salivated
- order form
- own brand
- only in name
- one's cup to be full
- ophthalmoplegia
- object film distance
- ocular pemphigus
- osteosclerosis congenita
- osteosarcoma
- osteomyelodysplasia
- orbitonometer
- ophthalmoneuritis
- one who dons white
- one of the two chief sects of jainism (the other being
- one_stringed musical instrument
- oil_skins
- oil_ cloth
- over_assertive
- other's job
- other's interest
- orchestrator
- overwhelmed by sleep
- office and function of a priest
- ordnance survey
- outface
- outstare
- or pertaining to
- on the verge of running away
- open prison
- overblown
- one who frees from fear
- ode
- omega_3_fatty acid
- or else
- order or situation to be topsyturvied
- one addicted to luxurious life
- of two types
- onchocerciasis
- one of the four major sub_castes amongst muslims
- old person
- oldster
- open_minded
- open minded
- oleo_resin
- one who can perform a variety of daily chores
- osmanli