- oliver hazard perry
- outcrop
- open sandwich
- open_face sandwich
- ozonide
- oil creosote
- oscillating
- otolith membrane
- ophthalmomalacia
- otorrhoea
- off beam
- out of step
- one who does damage or inflicts harm
- omnipotence
- optimum
- optimum dose
- optimum diet
- optimum position of ankylosis
- optimum proteolytic activity
- optimum processing
- one who takes to an evil
- oneiromancy
- onomancy
- one who devastates or ruins
- Ohioan
- out of mischief
- outfox
- ordered
- old and shattered
- out on ear
- on the strength of
- ovotestis
- orbicular
- on own terms
- on order
- onside
- on production of
- out of breath
- old bullion
- optical character recognition
- optical crown
- of one's own accord
- one after another
- one by one
- omental artery
- on one hand
- on the offensive
- Ophiodon elongatus
- oleaginous
- oleaginous ointment base