- orthopristis chrysopterus
- overactivity
- osseous labyrinth
- orangish_red
- oliver wendell holmes jr.
- oliver wendell holmes
- onion yellow_dwarf virus
- Oregon ash
- Oregon alder
- osmunda cinnamonea
- Osmunda clatonia
- osmotic stimulation
- Osmunda regalis
- ostrogoth
- Ophioglossum pendulum
- ovoviviparous
- Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
- oatcelled tumour of lung
- oral cancer
- obsitnacy
- on_the_spot
- offensive sound made during chewing
- objective tinnitus
- orbiculate leaf
- offering of libation
- offering of a lamp to a deity for adoration
- offering (to a deity etc.)
- obligate anaerobes
- obligate aerobes
- opto coupler
- optional word
- optional halt instruction
- optional pause instruction
- optional stop instruction
- obliqus abdominis internus
- out of touch with
- orthogonal opposition
- oboe d'amore
- outrageousness
- outlined
- one whose wish has been fulfilled
- occam's razor
- ockham's razor
- otho
- otho of lagery
- odontogenesis imperfecta
- orthodontia
- orthodonture
- odoriferous principle