- not worth or fit for handing over
- not worth the paper its printed on
- nonspecific
- needlepoint
- needlepoint embroidery
- neglect of duty
- nonachiever
- nonacceptance
- nonconformism
- noncontagious
- nonrenewable
- nonspecific urethritis
- nympholept
- nuclear heperchromasia
- niggler
- nonprofit organization
- not worth a damn
- not worth a red cent
- not worth a straw
- not worth a tinkers cuss
- Nidulariales
- nitrofuran
- nonfunctional
- nodal
- nighted
- Noruz
- night_light
- Nestorian Church
- nucleated red cell
- nefazodone
- neostigmine
- nonprescription
- ninepence
- northern Jacob's ladder
- Nicotiana tabacum
- Nicotiana glauca
- nettle_leaved bellflower
- nevus
- nimrod
- nemesis
- nyquist frequency
- nynorsk
- Nolina
- nonadsorptive
- nonmigratory
- nethermost
- netiquette
- nitrogen cycle
- nitrogen fixation
- narcoleptic