- necrophilia
- near her time
- nimble_witted
- negative wave
- neighbourhood watch
- neuroscience
- not quite
- no objection certificate
- natal aloe
- neuron modulator
- neuropathic joint
- nasal tampon
- naso_alveolar height
- nhs
- nspcc
- neurotendinous ending
- nerve degeneration
- neurodystonia
- nervous exhaustion
- neurotrophic atrophy
- northern alliance
- neophillism
- nikolskys sign
- nonabsorbable suture
- non contiguous item
- night blind
- nowhere in sight
- number was up
- nyctophonia
- noonday
- noontide
- necessity knows no law
- not to take a moment's time
- not look good
- not miss a trick
- non_terminal node
- non union
- non appearance
- neocolonialism
- neologism
- naval war
- needlework
- nelson bed
- neither big nor small
- noguchi medium
- noble cane
- neo_encephalon
- not to allow one to sleep in peace
- not put it past
- not intricate— easy