- normally open contact
- normally closed contact
- normalizing selection
- near to heart
- nonagenarian
- nuchal area height index
- nuchal line
- nuchal of the arm displacement
- nape length
- not to mention
- neuroepithelioma
- neuroblastoma
- New Dealer
- necessaries
- nervous prostration
- noise killer
- noise pollution
- nonlinear distortion
- nickel_and_dime
- noncollapsible
- no_show
- nonchurchgoing
- nitritoid reaction
- nephrotoxic
- nephthys
- neuromalacia
- neurotonin
- neurotransmission
- neosho river
- nalgiovensin
- neuropoietic
- nosological basis
- nephromegaly
- neurology
- neuroscientist
- neuroanatomical
- non existent
- nocuous treatment
- not achieved by or belonging to human being(s)
- nocuous stimulus
- not to darken one's door
- nontoxic
- no_good
- nonresemblance
- no matter who
- near reflex
- news of a death (from a distant place)
- not bound by time
- newsreel
- North Carolinian