- mis behave
- mishap
- mensh
- mensch
- Malto
- merit badge
- male_patterned baldness
- male pattern baldness
- Megaptera novaeangliae
- Mephitis macroura
- Mephitis mephitis
- mischievous through and through
- manys the
- motor hotel
- margaret court
- motor inn
- motor lodge
- malignance
- malefic
- malign
- malignment
- maxmilien de bethune
- mischievousness
- miscibility
- mare's nest
- malt whisky
- malt whiskey
- mixed_radix numeration system
- mix_up
- male reproductive gland
- marine archaeology
- marine engineer
- monilethrix
- method acting
- main program
- minors
- minor league
- minor leaguer
- meprobamate
- Meprin
- Miltown
- minor tranquiliser
- motorbus
- marsh elder
- methyl ethyl ketone
- meadow buttercup
- Mount Cook lily
- mitzvah
- mitsvah
- mortgage deed