- mek
- massed fire
- myeloblast
- monocyte
- myelocyte
- mimer
- mummer
- mental disturbance
- multivitamin
- multivitamin pill
- malignant hepatoma
- middle of the roader
- motion_picture fan
- marring
- moviegoer
- matriarchal
- miocene
- messy
- mantra employed for purposes of sorcery
- mother's daughter
- matron of honor
- maturity_onset diabetes
- mature_onset diabetes
- maturity_onset diabetes mellitus
- ma'am
- middle class
- malpighian layer
- misanthropist
- miniate
- mathematical symbol
- minor role
- manuscript
- malheur wire lettuce
- malformed
- malfunction
- musculus
- master's degree
- manganese dioxide
- minnesota
- mercury barometer
- metal_looking
- metallic coloured
- metal_colored
- metallikum
- metal_coloured
- metallic looking
- metakentrin
- metal binding globulin
- mineral jelly
- mechanical mixture