- Malpighiaceae
- Melastomaceae
- meadow_beauty family
- mahogany family
- Mimosaceae
- Meliaceae
- milkwort family
- Menshevik
- Micromeria
- Marrubium
- Majorana
- Mitchella
- Mandragora
- Mikania
- Molucella
- Melissa
- Melampodium
- Matricaria
- Mentha
- molding
- manufacturer
- manufacturing business
- meretricious
- module
- meerschaum
- matamoros
- match wood
- moue
- monospaced font
- mediate
- mathematical statement
- misconstruction
- maxillary artery
- major planet
- mutton chop
- mental representation
- melioration
- mastopexy
- modernize
- modernise
- masquerade
- masjid
- masque
- mask of pregnancy
- masquerade party
- makin
- make unnecessary
- make up ground on
- make up ground
- make up to