- light_headed
- loss of consciousness
- lumberman
- lumberjack
- liliaceous plant
- logical fallacy
- luminance
- luminousness
- landmark
- let down
- late_blooming
- late flowering
- lose it
- leontodon autumnalis
- league together
- light source
- lyallpur
- laying on of hands
- loyalty
- liquidity
- liqueur glass
- liquid air
- liquified
- limpid
- liquidness
- liquid state
- liquid substance
- limey
- limestone salamander
- learned profession
- lipid lowering medication
- Lopid
- lipid lowering medicine
- Lunaria annua
- Leonurus cardiaca
- Lithospermum caroliniense
- Lycopus europaeus
- Lithospermum officinale
- Lycopus virginicus
- lamb succory
- Leonotis nepetifolia
- lion's_ear
- Levisticum officinale
- loasa
- love apple
- leopard plant
- liverleaf
- leopard's_bane
- Lycopersicon esculentum
- leopardbane