- liberalization
- lie through teeth
- lathi_charge
- louis vii
- lay low
- like the look of
- littles disease
- laryngostomy
- lyophilized injection
- large_capitalisation
- large_cap
- large_capitalization
- labyrinthine nystagmus
- liproprotein lipase
- latent malaria
- live together
- ligamentum capitis femoris
- lover of women
- laserpitium latifolium
- lassaignes halogen test
- lit. light of the family
- lotum sulfur
- long windedness
- lay it on the line
- lose grip
- laudably
- linkage section
- lamellated corpuscle
- load map
- lambswool
- look the part
- leather bathing
- lend name to
- ligamentum venosum
- link connection
- lateral strain
- lateral consonant
- levator costarum
- lankiness
- lie doggo
- linaria vulgaris
- leishmania donovanii
- lymphangioma circumscriptum
- lumbar puncture needle
- lobscouse
- lumbo_sacral trunk
- lesser tuberosity
- landmass
- long – day plant
- long sphenopalatine nerve