- letterer_siwe disease
- lashkar_e_omar
- lead tetraethyl
- little_league team
- large_toothed aspen
- large tooth aspen
- limiting sulcus
- lethality
- logical volume
- licitness
- lawless
- leicestershire
- leiden
- logical proof
- logical record
- leap day
- local oscillator
- licensing fee
- license tax
- lesbos
- Lord of Misrule
- lucifugal
- little black ant
- lipophilic group
- le corbusier
- lateral leaf
- lateral lingual swelling
- lobulus culminis
- lightning strike
- listening watch
- lie in ruins
- like sex sibling
- listlessly
- levator ani
- liliuokalani
- lily of the incas
- loop_control variable
- left brain
- left hemisphere
- loren
- lexington and concord
- leonid ilyich brezhnev
- love hate relationship
- low tension pulse
- leeward side
- lee trevino
- lichtenstein
- louis henry sullivan
- louis sullivan
- little dog