- linear perspective
- leaden
- low_priced
- low_sodium diet
- low_pass filter
- littleness
- lawlessness
- lotus_stalk
- lathi
- lonesomeness
- live in awe
- lethargy
- lifebelt
- lease deed
- literality
- lead up to
- leitmotif
- large_ sized needle
- linear accelerator
- littoral
- laz
- long_winded
- langour
- light_colored
- light within
- light pen
- lipstick
- looking for
- lycra
- leading end
- locked (up)
- lucania
- liberated
- licensing agreement
- long_nosed (person)
- layout
- lowbrowed
- limited
- lighter_than_air craft
- leepapoti
- lie heavy on
- lie dormant
- lie awake
- lie detector
- lie in pool of blood
- lower respiratory tract
- looking through one's fingers
- looking beyond the world
- looking smart and attractive
- lanose