- lagerphone
- leveraging
- liver chestnut
- lined snake
- life_time
- lifespan
- long run
- lunar time period
- lustrum
- lingam
- lubber's point
- lubber's mark
- larid
- lubber's line
- laugh loudly
- limax
- leg_pulling
- loud proclamation
- lighthouse
- light house
- loo
- landed property
- land etc. given by the government as a reward
- low_lying land
- limpness
- lifeguard
- large round pillow (to recline on)
- large stuffed pillow
- liberal_minded person
- leaf node
- logion
- loan translation
- lodamoeba
- Loris gracilis
- lesser sac
- loan approval
- local government
- lupus erythematosus
- LE
- lead_acid battery
- lead_acid accumulator
- lahar
- long hundredweight
- lamp shell
- lamper eel
- line of a song usually confined to the lower and middle octavo and repeated again and again
- light_tight
- long division
- large_leafed
- lose one's temper