- linked genes
- liberty cap
- lower jawbone
- lower jaw
- lifer
- Lastex
- longed_for
- lily_livered
- lonicera dioica
- lonicera flava
- lysimachia vulgaris
- large yellow lady's slipper
- lupinus luteus
- lupin
- lysimachia nemorum
- lathyrus pratensis
- limanda ferruginea
- lolo
- Loloish
- lawrence peter berra
- logic programing
- lymphangiogram
- lymphangiography
- lymphography
- light beam
- lorazepam
- leukoderma
- lupus
- livedo
- lipoidemia
- limulus polyphemus
- local anaesthetic
- local anesthetic
- latchkey child
- lord indra's spouse
- latterly
- liberal temperament
- lip balm
- lose the thread of
- lechery
- living in luxury
- little auk
- lips
- lip_synch
- live down
- lip synchronization
- live in
- lip_sync
- libation
- lipless