- hurtfully
- he_calf of a buffalo
- henceforward
- herculaneum
- hercules
- huge paraphernalia
- highborn
- herpes labialis
- hold the field
- hermissenda
- handcraft
- hyponymy
- hold sway
- h.m.s. bounty
- hastinapura
- haste
- hay bale
- heat tan
- haloenzyme
- halogen compound
- he who or that which penetrates
- he gives twice who gives in a trice
- hrvatska
- hsv_ii
- herpes simplex 2
- hsv_2
- hs1
- hassidim
- human biology
- home front
- hierarchical classification system
- h antigen
- h प्रतिजन
- heavy whipping cream
- high_angle fire
- hepalidae
- hepatobillary capsule
- hepatogenous
- hornlike
- hornpipe
- hoydenish
- head nurse
- hourglass stomach
- hostess
- hominid
- hominian
- hominid stock
- horny plaque
- heathfowl
- history run