- growth_inhibiting antibiotic
- glass_lined
- gaseous diffusion
- grasp the nettle
- gorse
- gastrosexuals
- genicular
- get burnt to a crisp
- generously
- goaw file
- get short shrift
- get the boot
- giant – cell myocarditis
- gene exchange
- go against the tide
- gorgon
- grief is the canker of heart
- gift of one's all
- gladstone bag
- get skates on
- get a move on
- gran
- go down in history
- grinning sound (of laughter)
- go about work
- get to work
- gosio gas
- god of war
- german shepherd
- gallies needle
- gummatous periostitis
- gummatous osteomyelitis
- gurgling rale
- gravestone
- get in a stew
- goitrogenic drug
- ganglionectomy
- go in one ear and out the other
- gas_gengrene antitoxin
- get on famously
- get along famously
- gliding
- glycosylation
- gap character
- glycoside
- glycolipid
- grouping of records
- glycolysis
- go one better
- glycoprotein