- fair_comple (nf) a beautiful damsel
- fair_mindedness
- fair_skinned
- fair_trade agreement
- fairly and squarely
- fairness
- faeroese
- faggot
- fag
- fag end
- fagged
- faggot stitch
- fagin
- fagopyrum esculentum
- fagoting
- fagus pendula
- fagus sylvatica purpurea
- fahd
- fahd ibn abdel aziz al_saud
- fahrenheit(
- fail safe
- failing
- failure
- failure to compare between real and imaginry
- faineant
- futon
- future day
- future indefinite
- future perfect
- future progressive
- fall to
- fall under
- fall victim
- fall upon
- fall_blooming hydrangea
- fall_board
- fall: (v) to flow forth
- falla
- fallacious
- fallal
- fallback
- fallboard
- fallen
- falciform
- falciform ligament
- falco
- falco columbarius
- falco rusticolus
- falco sparverius
- falcon