- exocoelomic membrane
- exodontia
- eggs benedict
- etc.) on the forehead
- everyman
- encrusted cystitis
- enough to be going on with
- enostosis
- enough of it
- enough said
- enjambment
- elinvar
- eliot
- erethizon dorsatum
- erigeron speciosus
- euphory
- equus asinus
- eudemonism
- erinaceus europaeus
- eumycetes
- exotherinic
- elementary knowledge
- editorialise
- editorialize
- evidentiary
- exhilarating
- exhilirating
- egocentric
- egomaniac
- eponychial
- eponymic
- elocute
- enumerable
- engineer's chain
- engineering graphics
- engineering school
- estivate
- electrosleep
- electrophoresis
- electrostatics
- electromagnetics
- exiguity
- european blueberry
- epithelial implanta_tion cyst
- epithelial debris
- endotracheloma
- endotracheal oxygen
- empty tomb
- emerald shiner
- electric ray