- card_ board
- card_house
- corrugated
- constellate
- cumulus cloud
- chockablock
- cumulonimbus cloud
- cumulative
- cumulus
- chimney stack
- compost pile
- compost heap
- chimerical
- chimney
- chimney pot
- clustered
- chimney sweep
- critical mass
- chuck_full
- chock_full
- copland
- crainpharyngeal canal
- come first
- Charadrius vociferus
- chickenfeed
- covered stand
- covered with a film
- crinkled
- compromiser
- coaxer
- confessional
- confervoid algae
- correspondent
- communicatory
- communicative
- cookstove
- corresponding
- corn lily
- crying
- crying in wilderness (which attracts no one)
- centurion
- capital of poland
- carotico_clinoid foramen
- crossed eye
- cross_eye
- convergent strabismus
- circe
- classified ads
- classified advertisements
- classified