- biological examination
- biological standardization
- brachts manoeuvre
- bimastoid breadth
- benedict de spinoza
- brethern
- biting
- basement
- black hole
- beneficence
- buddy
- bone of fish
- begging
- biogenetic law
- brainpower
- bliss
- bizarre
- blood money
- but
- but if.
- blockheaded
- barrel (of a gun)
- bakcdrop
- beyond hope
- belongings
- boy friend
- breach of privilege
- boundless
- belonging to others
- breeder
- battle_field
- binary digit
- backfield
- become
- be onto
- big top
- bouquet (of flowers etc.)
- ballcock
- ball point pen
- bubalus bubalis
- break off
- break from
- breaking up
- bumblebee
- bamboo
- bubonocele
- bailable
- bedeck
- born next in succession
- behind back