- biweekly
- bimestrial
- bimolecular formula
- bimonthly
- birth_day celebration
- basic binary loader
- blood island
- brae
- balanoblennorrhoea
- be the exception that proves the rule
- bornyl acetate
- break step
- beat the clock
- broderie anglaise
- bed_ridden
- battle of soissons_reims
- bulbar urethra
- be of the opinion that
- batcher
- be on knees
- basion_prosthion line
- be taken with
- bicristal breadth
- be beloved
- beyond the pale
- be in light
- belonging to another region or country
- birmingham
- blunt ovum forceps
- behind the time
- benigh hyperplasia
- be none the worse
- blood root
- bulked powder
- boltzmann's constant
- binominal
- be on about
- be on back
- bavaria
- be descended from
- break point switch
- break_up action
- break seal
- biacromial
- break point halt
- book of proverbs
- bone_forming cell
- blastocyte
- biorbital nasal arc
- biofeedback