- brittany
- blacktail jackrabbit
- battle of cunaxa
- be no fool
- be nobodys fool
- bond_trading activity
- best of all
- be the cats whiskers
- be the cats pyjamas
- black grain cochineal
- bridgeware
- biuret test
- bituminous schist
- be good
- bat mitzvah
- barbary
- be written all over face
- be on the bottle
- bedrench
- be it so!
- be no joke
- bowed
- bumboat
- be low on
- be up a gum tree
- beat the living daylights out of
- beat the daylights out of
- beat the shit out of
- based on the number of ma:tra:s (as
- black economy
- broad leaved
- bulk modulus
- beograd
- bombastically
- bell heather
- bryants triad
- brasil
- brudzinskis sign
- battle of plataea
- buccopharyngeal membrane
- black_billed cuckoo
- black kite
- brussels classification system
- brussels lace
- bow_wow
- bobbed
- bring to a standstill
- behemoth
- bullbat
- biopsy curette