- brooklyn
- barcelona
- beef burrito
- beef stew
- brattishness
- brattice
- broth of a boy
- bisque
- blue_blind
- bromide
- basket hilt
- bigamously
- blue bugle
- boothose
- blissfully
- bliss classification
- barkley
- barley sugar
- barley water
- barley candy
- bring around
- bring round
- benday process
- bent hang
- bent on causing one's end
- baton
- baton rouge
- barbara ward
- bimanual palpation
- bigarade
- bed and breakfast
- backup store
- binary element string
- binary incremental representation
- backward recovery
- backward trace
- brachydactylous
- bandung
- boxing gloves
- band_tail pigeon
- bishopric
- bewitchery
- bethe
- baronetise
- bpm
- bed of stomach
- bolshy
- burlesquer
- bayes' theorem
- bouquet garni