- body clock
- brownout
- bangalore torpedo
- book of tobit
- bobby jones
- book of common prayer
- book of deuteronomy
- bernini
- burnetts syndrome
- bear claw
- bleu cheese dressing
- Bavarian blue
- belly flop
- ballet company
- blackclouds
- bothered
- Balochi
- Baluchi
- bluenose
- bittersweet nightshade
- brown betty
- brown bullhead
- boeuf
- Bordeaux wine
- bourgogne
- binocular microscope
- brown ale
- browned
- brown university
- brown eye
- brown_striped
- browne tube
- bette davis
- bronx_whitestone bridge
- bleachable
- beach goldenrod
- Blue Mountain tea
- Boott's goldenrod
- bromeosin
- bluehead
- bromosulphthalein test
- basic english
- bluffly
- bob around
- be puffed up with pride
- balagan
- ballistic trajectory
- ballistite
- brawniness
- brawn