- bottle green
- biverticillata_symmetrica
- best man
- bamberger_maries disease
- bending moment
- bridle path
- bridle way
- breakables
- be it so
- bathrobe
- bufonophobia
- bitten
- beechwood
- brachiocephalic artery
- burglar alarm
- by the way
- by the by
- bullous keratitis
- broomstick
- bomb site
- bum bag
- biogonial diameter
- bagheli:
- by the name of
- basketmaker
- basketweaver
- bisection
- bankbalance
- bonemarrow trephine
- bone tumour
- big cat
- bone plate
- beckon
- blennophobia
- battered
- bloody mary
- bovine tuberculosis
- belief in the attainment of the summum bonum
- beanpole
- be well placed
- bear hug
- buy a pup
- burning of the pile of fuel on the occasion of
- beeper
- bound by a chain or fetters
- bile cyst
- boarding school
- bluetooth
- breaking off
- broadest