- a daughter_in_law
- a newly_wed woman
- an accompanying stringed instrument
- a well_wisher
- a feather in cap
- a female who smiles beautifully
- an inflammable house
- apeldoorn
- a limited period of merry_making
- an extremely hot_tempered
- amativeness
- a permitholder
- an allomorph
- a perpetual association
- abdominous
- anthracite
- a lizard
- a hateful creature
- a means for dupery
- a mean
- a youngman
- aristarchus
- a follower of this sect
- a wood_ cutter
- a structure with an infirm foundation
- a millstone round neck
- almond cookie
- a special officer
- abstentious
- abstinence delirium
- aneuploid
- attainableness
- attainability
- alpha bronze
- a wicket (in cricket)
- a rare harmonious and beautiful combination
- an augury
- aberrant goitre
- aberrant pyramidal fibre
- aberrant
- aberrant pneumonia
- aberrant conduction
- another's woman
- aberrant artery
- astropogon stellatus
- artesian well
- abductivity
- abductor brevis
- abductor hallucis
- abductor of a woman