- a ladder
- azure
- a petrol pump
- a pettifogger
- anticlimax
- antiplasmodial test
- a pictorial
- acyron
- air_pressure
- a ritual performed in the seventh or eighth month of a pregnant woman
- afflux
- act of rising
- amorization
- alto rilievo
- a spell_binding performance to be occasioned
- a painful twitching sensation
- an alkali
- a thaumaturge
- an indolent and impish person
- amphitheater
- amphistylar
- achromatin
- albinism partial
- albinism of lung
- albinic
- according to the haṭhyogi:s
- albinistic
- albino luciano
- a fair
- a fair name to be tarnished
- a gate_ keeper
- an attendant who carries a (refill for the) hubble_bubble
- a shawl
- amelus
- a jain ascetic
- a manger
- a public property
- applying to or concerned with all and sundry
- a mythological creeper supposed to possess the power to grant all wishes
- a wild boar
- a mortal calamity to befall
- a revolver
- a rhetorician
- a stripe
- abraham's bosom
- allways
- ally
- amicable
- an alloy used for making utensils
- a term of abuse generally used by menfolk